Tuesday 1 June 2010

Potfest Scotland comes to Stirling

The new Potfest venue of the mart at Stirling seems to have been a great success. The old mart at Perth had reached the end of its life and was due for demolition – so a transfer to the new building at Stirling was necessary. Set in the rural outskirts of Stirling, with a backdrop of the Scottish hills it feels like we’ve landed in cattle mart heaven

light, bright, clean, wi-fi, restaurant and deli on site

- this is definitely the way forward! Previous customers from the Perth area travelled down to see us and new customers from the Stirling area were in evidence too. I think it should soon build back to what it was in Perth. This was our first proper show of the year and it was good to see lots of old friends again, and some new faces,  emerging from potter winter isolation.

Catching up:

Writing this from the wifi hotspot that is Scottish Potfest in the cattle mart at Sterling – good to know the Scottish cows are computer savvy!
The week between my last walk in Wales and the Scottish Potfest have been non-stop potting . I’m in crisis management mode as the Potfest trip to the ceramic market at Hohr- Grenzhausen, and Earth & Fire at Rufford are looming and the week lying on a beach in Crete that is imminent now seems a trip too far. Perhaps I could concoct a virtual display to put on my stand at Rufford, and just take orders.
Some of the pots out of the electric kiln and this weeks soda firing: