Sunday, 14 March 2010

Printers, pots and Pete's in the money

Monday - had the final session at the printers and hopefully this years fliers are now on the presses! Fitted in some throwing this afternoon and finally finished boxing up the pots for the NPA Rufford exhibition. On Tuesday - after checking up on the current temperatures in Petra - 94F is quite hot to trot 12 - 15 miles a day, I rushed into Carlisle to buy cooler, baggier clothing.  Wednesday saw me venturing out with the Penrith Ramblers who were walking my local fells, and I had a wonderful clear, sunny day's training on the hills overlooking Ullswater.

Eat your heart out Pollie -this knocks spots off your treadmill. No pots made today as the evening was taken up with a Rural Women's meeting  hosted by Elaine & Holly at Upfront Gallery - lots of good chat and carrot cake as well. There goes the training schedule. Thursday I took the Rufford pots to Nigel Edmondson's at Levens as he is down at Pollie and Garry's this weekend, and Garry is delivering the pots for me while Pollie and I perspire our way around Jordan . We have started to phone each other to compare packing lists. Later in the week as I collected my Jordanian dinar from the Post Office in Penrith - I was suprised to see Potfest regular Peter Ballan staring back at me from the front of the note - an uncanny likeness to the Sheikh of Araby. Fond memories of Potfest every time I buy a camel. Not long now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

is this Peter Ballan that once lived in Cornwall? Just wondering...