Left the Tamsen after breakfast. Reappraisal set in. I'd had a really good nights sleep, the food had been good and the hotel wasn't noisy - so the mood lightened. About 2 hours into our journey to Orchha, our home for the next 3 days, we spotted an impressive building overlooking a lake that we thought we'd investigate further.

The joy of having our own coach is that this is very do-able. The place was very evocative of long gone splendour-

and once the guide had sent out for more batteries for his torch, we were given the full tour.

Going back through the old town to the coach

It added about 2 hours to our schedule but was well worth it. The second half of our journey was on single carriageway roads and we were only averaging about 25 m.p.h. We arrived at the Orchha Resort hotel late afternoon. It looked very sumptuous - our best hotel en route - we were saluted and piped in by men in uniform. Nigel warmed to it immediately, cheered up no end by the thought of a wine list. We walked the five minutes into the town centre, had snacks just down from the town square and took in our surroundings. Orchha is set in a large loop in the River Betwa- amidst a large boulder strewn landscape, very beautiful, and extremely ethereal in the early morning light and at sunset.

It's a medieval town with 3 major palaces and many ruined ancilliary structures. (or was that just us after the coach ride? )

The joy of having our own coach is that this is very do-able. The place was very evocative of long gone splendour-

and once the guide had sent out for more batteries for his torch, we were given the full tour.

Going back through the old town to the coach

It added about 2 hours to our schedule but was well worth it. The second half of our journey was on single carriageway roads and we were only averaging about 25 m.p.h. We arrived at the Orchha Resort hotel late afternoon. It looked very sumptuous - our best hotel en route - we were saluted and piped in by men in uniform. Nigel warmed to it immediately, cheered up no end by the thought of a wine list. We walked the five minutes into the town centre, had snacks just down from the town square and took in our surroundings. Orchha is set in a large loop in the River Betwa- amidst a large boulder strewn landscape, very beautiful, and extremely ethereal in the early morning light and at sunset.

It's a medieval town with 3 major palaces and many ruined ancilliary structures. (or was that just us after the coach ride? )

Narrow stone bridge over the river
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