Our home for 2 days in Delhi
Bollywood - List of characters:
Pollie & Garry Uttley - foolhardy enough to rise to the suggestion that this trip could be feasible. Organisers extraordinaire, and barterers in chief for the group
Chris & Geoff Cox - Delegators in chief. After coming up with the idea we nimbly passed it all over to Pollie to sort out. G.C - captain of Potfest overseas touring Cricket Team - C.C. main blogger.
Willy & Else van Bussel - imported from Holland at no extra expense to exercise for the rest of the group - tennis, swimming, table-tennis - everything but cricket
Rog & Jo Lewis - Rog has been delegated to worry for the rest of us. Jo accompanies him to tell him what he likes to eat
Eddie & Margaret Curtis - Brought in to raise the sartorial tone of the party - but that was before we saw Eddie in his home made turbans
Kevin Green - Our token southern potter brought along to prove we're not prejudiced up north. We have employed an Indian interpreter to tell us what he's saying.
Nigel Edmondson - Sahib Edmondson, Maharaja of S. Cumbria - weaver of tales - recently awarded the orders of panama hat, walking stick and bar ( and always hoping the latter comes with a nicely chilled Pinot Grigio )
Harrison ( Nigel mark 2) - was brought along as decoy. Harrison is lowered from the coach like chum into shark-infested waters to attract encircling traders - thus leaving the way free for the rest of us to proceed in peace. Hats, shirts, chess sets, trousers, postcards, the Taj Mahal in a snowstorm, maps, books - Harrison has it all. A new motto is now rife amongst the traders of Asia - " Here comes Harrison - good times follow"
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