Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Back down to earth - there's a workshop to scrub up

After unpacking, filling the washing machine, and regaling the nearest and dearest with tales of intrepid adventures, it's down to earth with a bang as it's only 2 days till our Easter Open studio. Geoff had made a valiant start but hadn't dare venture into my tip.

Actually this is my workshop area when I'd had 2 days on it - a great improvement!
We find that having an open event is a great incentive to get the place tidied up, sort out old stock, and re-organise the gallery area - and we managed all of that - just. The weather was fairly cool over the weekend, but quite a few braved it, some did some rakuing, bought some pots, talked the talk, and we gave out some Potfest fliers  - so result - a good time was had by all.

Tidy display area.

 On Monday evening we wistfully gazed at our clean workshop space,

( just dying to get in there and mess it all up again ) closed the door on it for a week as it was time for April's walk.

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