We started the day by a sewage station inland fron Jurby head. It was an omen. The tide was in and we were up on the soft sand and shingle. It was a case of head down and just stumble along. I passed the time on by seeing what I could find of interest on the high water mark. How sad am I?
After about an hour we could cut off inland and follow a track behind the dunes through the Cronk y Bing Nature Reserve - which leads us nicely into :
The Book of the Day - "Gull-ible's Travels" - never believe what you read in the guide books
(the scale in the land of Brobdingnag is approx 12:1, judging from Gulliver estimating a man's step being 10 yards )
........" Here begins the Cronk y Bing Nature Resrve and it is possible to leave the sand and walk on a grassy shelf. Jump the stream at the outlet of the Lhen Trench, a man made drainage channel..."
Sorry - what was that again?...Jump the stream?
Am I missing something here? - my pole-vaulting stick maybe. This trench was over a foot deep, over ten feet wide and travelling at about 30 knots with a temperature of minus 25.
Actually the day did improve once our feet had thawed out. A short beach section then gave way to a wonderful heathland walk at the back of the dunes - just like walking on a luxurious carpet after the pebbly beach
and soon the Point of Ayre lighthouse came into view
After lunch, Twix on the rocks, we walked on a rough track at the back of the beach for a short while
before reverting to the beach.
We think this is the remnants of part of an old pier - or part of Gullible's bed.
As the tide retreated, the going got easier as we ventured further down the beach
The weary plod homewards - Ramsey is just visible in the background
Where we've come from today. The lighthouse is way back beyond the far headland,
and our start point was at least 20 Brobdingnag jumps back from that
Wonderful sunset in Ramsey harbour, unfortunately not much appreciated at the time as we were staggering round the streets on a Sunday night looking for somewhere that was open and would feed us.... the Chinese meal was delicious.
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